santhosh ruttala
santhosh ruttala
@vladak Thank you for the update. Are you going to consider this in the near future? Can this feature will be open?
Even we are facing the same issue. 2022-02-11 12:40:31.874+0000 [id=35] WARNING i.j.p.c.SecretSourceResolver$UnresolvedLookup#lookup: Configuration import: Found unresolved variable 'foo'. Will default to empty string Set the env vars and tried using...
Would be mind letting me know which version you are using downgraded to 3.7.0 still the same .. There is no connection error can see error when incorrect url or...
@sam-mckay Same issue unable to resolve the variable the vault connection is good and path is also fine what i can see the secrets are not loaded in the pod...