Results 10 comments of Sanqi


In quark, such as dialog、radio has custom event 'close'、'change', `const nativeEvents = /* #__PURE__ */ Object.keys(HTMLElement.prototype) .filter(eventName => eventName.startsWith('on')) .map(eventName => eventName.slice(2));` nativeEvents alse has chaneg, this will filte quark...

> The core logic: > All native events will be register by React. > Custom events should be register by quark manually using `this.setEvent(...)`. @vaakian you are right。quark now has...

I will close this pr. if need, you can reopen it, thank you!

thank you for suggestion,the web-components custom event in react is alse as a prop, how to deal with this situation

We will refer to your suggestion, thank you

> > thank you for suggestion,the web-components custom event in react is alse as a prop, how to deal with this situation > > It's already handled by `'on${Capitalize}'` in...

> ### As a suggestion, in my opinion a idea type structure would be: > 1. Define `state` and `event` **type** in web-component. > 2. Frameworks specific **type** derives from...

open 是 require 的哦

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