Check [Soduto fork by agungrbudiman]( if you want Notification mirroring.
@giedrius-stanevicius Can you tell me how I can access the notification access button from the received data packet from KDE Connect? As a reference, this is the method which is...
@giedrius-stanevicius After looking at the code for KDE Connect desktop app's notification plugin, I was able to get the action buttons as an array of strings. However, they obviously don't...
@giedrius-stanevicius Thanks a lot! I was struggling with this for the past few days without making any progress but was finally able to successfully implement the feature, thanks to your...
> Just giving this a push. It'd be awesome if an official Apple Silicon build existed and it had notifications and a share menu. @IridiumWasTaken I don't know if we'll...
+1 The expected behavior when links are shared should be to open it in the default browser...
> In android it depends how you should share this text/url. > > For example if you have a url, how would you share it? Do you create a file...
I see. Do you know if there's any command that can report if the fan is on or off? I usually don't need the fan speed but it's probably a...
I got it working using WiringPi... `gpio -g read 18` (Pin 18 in my case) Maybe DietPi Dashboard could use this data if it detects WiringPi is installed. Although it's...