Matthew Barbour

Results 13 comments of Matthew Barbour

Where are you checking for the log? On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 5:07 PM Henrique Corrêa ***@***.***> wrote: > Now I'm having some issues getting anything to log to...

The performance difference is much less drastic on my system, only about a 10ms difference. Do you have the tags_lower_tag_idx index that was committed awhile back?

I tried a couple of methods, like ``` SELECT tag, count FROM tags WHERE lower(tag) ~ '^(.+:)?da.*' AND count > 0 ORDER BY count DESC ``` and SELECT tag, count...

Tried this: SELECT tag, count FROM tags WHERE to_tsvector('english', tag) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'da:*') AND (lower(tag) LIKE lower('da%') OR lower(tag) LIKE lower('%:da%')) AND count > 0 ORDER BY count DESC Produces...

Found a downside to the full text search, it doesn't return results for certain inputs, presumably because the search term isn't specific enough for some internal criteria it has. For...

The default value isn't stored anywhere at the start, it just defaults to "Full Size". Once the option has been changed the value is stored in a cookie in the...

I've been thinking about this myself. There are many toolkits out there to create guis that can conform well on desktop and mobile, but most are made with single-page web...

I've almost got an implementation ready for this. It's using the same format that we display lengths with, so you'd search length>10s or length

I'd agree. Should I just start changing gui text, and maybe class/variable names?