gdb info: ``` (gdb) b add_to_pathman_config Breakpoint 1 at 0x7f5c07be88fb: file src/pl_funcs.c, line 742. (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 1, add_to_pathman_config (fcinfo=0x2b49530) at src/pl_funcs.c:742 (gdb) p pathman_init_state.initialization_needed $1 = 1 '\001'...
> > 老哥,这个问题解决了吗 > > 你遇到的具体问题是什么,和上面的issue描述一样吗? 嗯嗯 我这应该是ABI兼容问题。升级了GCC。就编译不过去了
which one is the final choice?
I remember before used ```TupleBuffer``` build queue. sometimes,multi process is dead lock,Stream not get anything data. Queue performance is very very important.
I looking forward to PipelineDB extension release.
Redis Streams? This is new product?
how to used top-k query in CV? eg: ``` create stream test(url text,session bigint,interval_time timestamp); ``` I need query top 100 url visit . ``` test=# select * from t;...
``` test=# create continuous view cv_fss as select fss_agg_weighted(x ,-2,2) as v , date_trunc('hour',y) as _y from fss group by _y ; CREATE CONTINUOUS VIEW test=# insert into fss values(3,now()+interval'1...