Sands Fish
Sands Fish
James, does your email address have a single-quote character in it? Doesn't like it in GMail. Will send the PDF once I can. -S
James, always this one. Version info below... sands$ *ruby pdf2text.rb aeronautics-gravity-reducing-propulsion.pdf * PDF Version : 1.6 /gems/pdf-reader-1.0.0/lib/pdf/reader.rb:138:in `page_count': undefined method`[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from /Users/sands/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p320@newdev/gems/pdf-reader-1.0.0/lib/pdf/reader.rb:224:in `pages' from pdf2text.rb:11:in`' sands$\* ruby...
# note that i'm not clear on how to access the page content for the aggregation i'm attempting, but it errors out before it gets there, so it's moot for...
Ah, that's too bad. Maybe I can find another system to attempt it on and rule out a part of the stack that might be at fault. On Feb 25,...