Sandil Ranasinghe
Sandil Ranasinghe
If there is a function with a nested function inside and only the nested function has a docstring it isn't considered. eg:- It doesn't prompt to add a docstring for...
- `operation_name_fragment` property added to operations - `migration_name_fragment` property added to MigrateStreamData - added tests, docs updated - BaseBlockOperation inherits from `abc.ABC`
There might be instances where it is needed to move data from another model field into a streamfield. For example: turn an inline panel into a streamfield. This could further...
There might be instances where it is needed to move data from another model field into a streamfield. For example: turn an inline panel into a streamfield. This could further...
Comments maintain a path consisting of block ids/names to point towards specific (nested) streamblocks. This path would no longer be correct after operations (For example renaming a structblock child) that...
Comments maintain a path consisting of block ids/names to point towards specific (nested) streamblocks. This path would no longer be correct after operations (For example renaming a structblock child) that...