
Results 9 comments of Sandiko

so sad, no backup left.... not documented any well..

it might could help you out, `grep -i -a -B100 -A100 'any string that might yours ~/.vimrc have' /dev/sda1` related ``` ``` iam pretty lucky, because init/core of...

same issue, working well thanks

just solved by installing gdm/gtk/gnome-package-service-or-else. still try a way for fiting dependence

thanks for fast response, help me alot idk ther'still device waiting meanwhile device connected as 9008 QDL have'd you use this ? 've ask on main channel but no answer...

anyone who meet following same kind error. ![image]( **HERE SOME TRICKS which resolved by @[bcspragu](** you can use this ```axios as sparate plugin of nuxt.config.ts``` ```/plugin/axios.ts``` ``` //...

**no page found -- help** ![Screenshot from 2021-02-23 01-06-56]( ``` RAM: 32 MB DDR1 16-bit CL3-3-3-8 FLASH: 4 MB Winbond W25Q32 MAC: 00:03:7F:09:0B:AD CLOCKS: CPU/RAM/AHB/SPI/REF 550/400/200/ 25/ 25 MHz Keep...

> Are you on Linux by any chance? There is no install target for Linux by design: > > The only reason to build this project on Linux is...

> Same problem. Update "ts-node": "^10.9.1" fix the problem in my case. thanks/ it's worked !