### Description UAG 2.0.0-beta.1 release ### Screenshots ### Types of changes ### How has this been tested? ### Checklist: - [ ] My code is tested - [ ] My...
# UAG v2.0.0 Beta 1 Hello, UAG Beta testers 👋 With the growing popularity and adoption of the Gutenberg Block Editor for WordPress, we are releasing a significant update for...
### Description Convert controls into reusable packages ### Screenshots ### Types of changes ### How has this been tested? ### Checklist: - [ ] My code is tested - [...
### Description ### Screenshots ### Types of changes ### How has this been tested? ### Checklist: - [ ] My code is tested - [ ] My code follows accessibility...
### Description WIP: DO NOT MERGE - Dynamic blocks loading ### Screenshots ### Types of changes ### How has this been tested? ### Checklist: - [ ] My code is...
It doesn't throw errors in PHPStan if args type, numbers etc. mismatches... ```php namespace App\Authentication\Actions; use Lorisleiva\Actions\Concerns\AsAction; class UpdateUserPassword { use AsAction; public function handle(User $user, string $newPassword) { $user->password...
| Q | A | ---------------- | ----- | Bug report? | no | Feature request? | no | Usage question? | yes
- [x] Added or updated tests Resolves #1718 **Changes** Change RequestUserExtension to use the specific type of an overridden Request::user() method