Sander Vanden Hautte
Sander Vanden Hautte
Hi, I found out that the basic example of the date time picker does not work when it is inside a form element: ``` Basic Date Time: Value From Picker:...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am evaluating a multi-class classification case. The values in the target column and prediction columns can be 0, 1,...
# Task Title Task: Update requirements specifications ## Task Description Right now, our requirements.txt only lists the required packages, not a python version. It takes some "figuring out" (searching on...
# Task Title Task: Pietro integrates some best practices within Cobra ## Task Description Pietro proposed the following: - commit message style - good practices (change log, etc) - invoke:...
# Task Title Task: Improve contributing documentation & add recording ## Task Description This task bundles material to be merged within the [contribution guidelines]( Let's use the first milestone of...
# Story Title [Improved industrialization support: persisting of model (configuration), reapeated model scoring, model monitoring]( ## Changes made See files committed. This is a draft pull request only for now,...
# Clearer documentation about how to industrialize Cobra models We've received a couple of questions in the past months about how Cobra models can be industrialized. Let's interpret that as...
====> **Do not merge yet! See below for explanation.**
# Allow more tuning of the model hyperparameters. While working on #126, I noticed that in the constructor of LogisticRegressionModel, a few hyperparameters are chosen as follows: ``` def __init__(self):...
====> **Do not merge yet!** See below for explanation.