
Results 29 comments of sandersantema

Maybe it would be better to treat the `Previous` song list as a immutable history, so it would really only contain the songs which have been played by the user...

What exactly do you mean with "narrow"? And of course take the liberty to implement any feature as long as your schedule permits and you want to do so :)

This might help: Although in the stack overflow answer the replaygain is calculated too while in this case there's no need since it's stored inside the files or...

> - Create a "replay" queue so reloading of a config can actually be done > - Track changes to anything in global scope so you can truly "revert" those...

You can trigger it manually with `:lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()` afaik. The weird thing about the R language server is that contrary to the behavior of for instance the lua language server...

I'd like to see this as well given that I personally find code formatted with a liberal use of vertical space to be a lot more readable. Take the following...

Although I'm not the developer I'm fairly certain this isn't possible or at least not by changing something about Amperfy itself. Again since I'm not the developer take the rest...

Fyi: both packer and lazy.nvim report breaking changes. Afaik packer does so by looking for the string "breaking change" case insensitively and lazy.nvim does so by looking for the lua...

I think having the album artwork as the button to open the queue might be too confusing as there is nothing to indicate tapping it will do something. I think...