cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help copied to clipboard
signature-help completion not working with R languageserver
I'm trying to use automatic signature completion with the R language server
I'm using the kickstart.nvim init.lua but I've added use 'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help'
to 'packer'.startup
and { name = 'nvim_lsp_signature_help' },
as the first entry to sources
Other sources are working properly and I can get manual signature help completion using vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()
Also not working with Java language server: jdtls. When I try C filetype it work fine, but not work for java filetype.
I also have this issue with the R language server. lsp_signature.nvim is an alternative to mitigate this, but I have to tackle working between the two plugins then and I'd rather avoid that.
Is there a way to open the R LSP signature info automatically?
Same with rust-analyzer. Does cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help
rely on some particular language server capability?
You can trigger it manually with :lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()
The weird thing about the R language server is that contrary to the behavior of for instance the lua language server or pyright the function only works if the cursor is inside the parenthesis of the function call whereas for the aforementioned language servers it works with the cursor on the parenthesis as well.
See here:
Not Working:
It might be an error on the side of the R language server, i.e. not triggering on a parenthesis isn't standard compliant or an edge case which isn't dealt with by this plugin.
I have the same issue with java as well. Would be nice to have some solution here
I also have this issue with the R language server. lsp_signature.nvim is an alternative to mitigate this, but I have to tackle working between the two plugins then and I'd rather avoid that.
Is there a way to open the R LSP signature info automatically? I also have the same problem, if you find a solution please tell me about it, thank you!