Same here. This seems to be the correct link: I suppose it wasn't updated after the move from Eric's account to Knockout-Contrib.
I updated the link on the wiki page.
See issue #246 where the KoGrid-team stated that KoGrid is no longer under (active) development. Still, the documentation is vital and I'd strongly suggest them to at least update the...
@SubashNethaji this is not the place for those kinds of questions. Not this (TOTALLY unrelated) issue, not the issue tracker as a whole, probably not even github. Try stackoverflow.
I would even prefer the bindingContext itself to be stored, instead of $root. The reason for this being, that you would miss relevant context information such as $parent for hierarchical...
I had to give up hope using KoGrid @ work. They simply didn't want to go through without knowing there was still activity behind this project.
I like your approach with the column headers having a searchfield with custom binding (I also remember this from pre 2.0). I have implemented a search expression parser, with the...
The generic instagram influencer video that's on the amazon-page, seems to indicate the wheel already has clicking detents without power. Whatever their "active tech adaptive accuracy range adjustment algorithm" (TM...