activation_cnn_layer = [ 'relu', 'tanh'] activation_feed_layer = [ 'relu', 'tanh'] optimizers=["adam",'sgd'] # map from real number [0, 1] to integer ranging [1, 3] def swap_activation_cnn(val): if val == 1: return...
Can you please tell the use of the following code:- assign_0 = value // Col + pad_length assign_1 = value % Col + pad_length new_assign[counter] = [assign_0, assign_1]
Hello zhilongzhong .Could you go through the code in line number 40,41,42 in file.The below line is giving me only indices of class 16. m = np.max(groundTruth) for i...
Dear Yonghao. I am getting the error "The `pool_size` argument must be a tuple of 2 integers. Received: (1, 2, 2)" while using your function MCNN_RS.
Dear Yonghao, can you please tell me how did you choose the values of train_num_array for different datasets in HyperspectralSamples function. What is the significance of those values.
Dear YonghaoXu, can you please clarify the use of s1s2 =1 and s1s2=2 in HyperspectralSamples function of HyperFunctions module.
labels=sio.loadmat("Indian_pines_gt.mat")['indian_pines_gt'] palette=np.array([[255,0,0],[0,255,0],[0,0,255],[255,255,0],[0,255,255],[255,0,255],[176,48,96],[46,139,87],[160,32,240],[255,127,80],[127,255,212],[218,112,214],[160,82,45],[127,255,0],[216,191,216],[238,0,0]]) palette=palette*1.0/255 X_result=np.zeros((labels.shape[0],3)) num_class=labels.max() or i in range(0,num_class): X_result[np.where(labels==i),0]=palette[i,0] X_result[np.where(labels==i),1]=palette[i,1] X_result[np.where(labels==i),2]=palette[i,2] X_result=np.reshape(X_result,(145,145,3)) I am getting the following error, ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 435 into shape (145,145,3)
Hi, I tried to find the LBP of Hyperspectral Image after computing first 3 Principal Component Analysis. I am getting the following error. error Traceback (most recent call last) in...
Hi. I am working on 3D images. I want to implement kerv3d similar to 3D CNN. Can you please provide the kerv3d layer in your repository. How can we extend...
Hi. I am working on 3D images. I want to implement kerv3d similar to 3D CNN. Can you please provide the kerv3d layer in your repository. How can we extend...