Sanchit Verma
Sanchit Verma
same issue color is not override with Theme or I am also unable to assign dynamic color as I want
start your local server For example mine is **WampSever** yours can be **Xampp, Lamp, Mamp**. Local server itself starts automatically http 80 port.
ngrok shows this error when the local server is not running start your server first and also check the server port as well as ngrok port For example: i am...
yes that what i was saying you have to start the Apache and i think location of the ngrok application also matters so put it there where all your projects...
yes that what i was saying you have to start the Apache and i think location of the ngrok application also matters so put it there where all your projects...
> I have faced the same issue and i have to start xampp server but it gives me a same error so what I need to do? start your local...