Sanborn Hilland
Sanborn Hilland
Are you open to adding a `Payload` utility type? I think the following would be fairly useful: ```ts const action = createActionCreator( 'FOO', resolve => (foo: string) => resolve({ foo...
It doesn't seem like there's a way to make a selection using your keyboard. For example: 1. Use `Tab` to focus dropdown button 1. Use `Space` to open the dropdown...
I'm getting several `PropType` warnings about booleans being passed to a `div` instead of `strings`. Specifically I'm seeing: ```javascript Warning: Received `false` for a non-boolean attribute `active`. If you want...
Is it possible or are there plans to make this runnable in a WebWorker? Currently I can almost get a3a8bc0f5 running in a web worker but it has a dependency...
This is not intended to be merged. The intention is to provide a working example of how Flare-JS, with some minor changes, could be run in a WebWorker using an...
@dejorrit This is extremely useful and solved some tricky scroll behaviour I was struggling with, so kudos for creating this hook. The one thing is that I have to modify...
Errors getting thrown inside logic handlers are swallowed and the only indication you get is the generic `warnTimeout`. I'm not sure of the intended behaviour here but it seems problematic...
Ref #2001 ### Description Introduces horizontal orientation to the core `Menu` component and the `DropdownMenu`. This is a WIP as I'm not sure all the relevant changes that I need...