i just started using its very good that i can just auto sync my hugo site content folder with my friends using github i just need to add them as...
im using zig-0.11.0-dev (1) - clone this repo the new build command needs (-rdynamic) flag (2) run " zig build-lib -O ReleaseSmall -target wasm32-wasi -dynamic -rdynamic zigdom.zig " (3) serve...
i litterally don't understand why we aren't allowed to edit text files i don't have a problem with not seeing the mdx preview for example but its extremly usefull to...
> Btw, just a thought for anyone coming across this thread, I think you can probably get a decent way towards this manually: > > ```js > import { defineConfig...
this feature is important many people use lunr over pagefind because it works fully offline i maneged to cache everything on the pagefind folder even the entry.json but when it...
im currently making a pwa and i am trying to find a way to make widgets on andriod and ios currently on windows i can make widgets with my pwa...
> I'd be very interested in seeing this, or even knowing if it is possible. > > I came across this project today and I really like the core concept...