
Results 5 issues of samyyc

Is there any native method to get glove paints? i saw the `g_smGlovePaints` and `g_smGloveInfo` in the code, so maybe there can be a native method to get glove paints...

使用版本: zfile 捐赠版 怀疑是上传文件夹时需要新建文件夹,没有新建文件夹导致的,是不是应该在[GoogleDriveServiceImpl的第257行](后加一行创建文件夹的代码?比如用`newFolder`方法 经过我的测试,先创建好文件夹,再上传文件夹就不会报错了 ```java 2023-05-21 17:20:07.880 ERROR 233848 --- [4e9e89fc-08a5-4f85-8c1e-23c12731ee65] [ admin] [] [http-nio-8080-exec-42] i.z.z.c.e.h.GlobalExceptionHandler : 存储源 1 文件操作异常 im.zhaojun.zfile.core.exception.file.operator.StorageSourceFileOperatorException: 文件代理上传失败, 文件路径: 图/在意浑身是伤的女孩/5.jpeg at at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor307.invoke(Unknown...


For #273, @crashzk This code can enable player to search skins. ## Usage 1. Type `!ws ` to search like `!ws asi` and it will show a menu like this:...

Currently we have [CenterHtmlMenu.cs#L61]( and [CenterHtmlMenu.cs#72]( to limit the character amount. I think it is because the original developer want to ensure items are displayed in one line. ( But...
