samy kamkar

Results 32 issues of samy kamkar Potential sidedoor revealed. "You may prefer to use EntropyRng instead of OsRng. Is is unlikely, but not entirely theoretical, for OsRng to fail. In such cases EntropyRng falls back...

It would be nice to allow keys to allow/block when the popup appears. For example requiring a `tab` to first get to the `Block` button, then another `tab` to get...

When a LuLu alert pops up, it would be nice to have the option to allow but modify the rule such that I can allow that host and any port,...

I love LuLu, thanks for this great software! I'd suggest a feature where a user can choose to allow something once vs always allow, rather than hitting allow and then...

This MarkdownGetHeader() function is useful for adding the section of markdown you're currently in by seeing it in the status bar, eg with airline: ``` let g:airline_section_gutter = '%= %#hdrinfo#%{exists(''*MarkdownGetHeader'')?MarkdownGetHeader()[0:20]:""}'...

Suggestion: The controls take a lot of screen real estate, at least on a typical laptop screen/resolution. I like that they're detachable but that's a bit clumsy to use. I...

Feature request Fine grain zooming using two-finger scroll (mouse wheel) would be convenient. I use an audio tool called Izotope RX that does this nicely. Note it keeps the height...

Feature request: It would be nice to be able to open .wav files straight into inspectrum.

Suggestion: It would be nice if the sample rate could be stored/read in from a filename. I often store it in the filename anyway, and it would be an easy...