Sam Tran
Sam Tran
It's kind of a drag (HA) to keep updated and if someone needs to use it directly, they're probably better off directly referencing the non-JSX files anyway.
This will also take care of the upcoming changes in 0.14 deprecating cloneWithProps so nothing needs to be done there. - [ ] Update dependencies (#5) - [ ] Redux-like...
React DnD supports multiple targets, hooray! :tada:
Rewriting old examples, migrating Reflux -> Redux, etc. - [ ] Simple Redux-based example - [ ] Complex Redux example with image dropping
- [ ] Set up codecov - [ ] Unit Tests
Need better docs :smile: - [ ] Quickstart - [ ] Customization - [ ] Redux Example - [ ] Testing
Add Yahoo's [touch implementation]( with options to disable (and probably bundles without touch).
- [ ] Mixin - [ ] Function with decorator compatibility Like react-redux wrapping `connect`ed components ``, wrap `sortable` components with ``.
Need to update pretty much everything