Spencer Childress
Spencer Childress
Sorting the input data by the grouped variable does though...
e.g. `''`, `0`, `false` [here](https://github.com/RhoInc/Webcharts/blob/master/src/controls/makeSubsetterControl.js#L17) It'd be more transparent to throw falsey values in the subsetter, perhaps coercing to character.
implement styling that maintains a constant div height
``` this.current_data.forEach(function(d){ d.matches = chart.current_data.filter(function(f){ return f.values.x == d.values.x & f.values.y == d.values.y }) d.count = d.matches.length d.i = d.matches.indexOf(d) if(d.i < d.count/2){ d.offsetx = (d.i - (d.count/4)) d.offsety =...