Samuel Simões

Results 16 issues of Samuel Simões

Hi people, there's a while that I don't do any kind of Chrome Extension and I am very busy in the last months because my other projects, but I see...

Hi people, there's a while that I don't do any kind of projects with Hanami and I am very busy in the last months because my other projects, but I...

In macOS, when a runnable item finishes and Chrome is hidden, the finish notification doesn't appear and when the next runnable item finishes and Chrome is focused, two notifications appears,...

At this first time, a finish button to finish the running item in quick actions would be great.

When you open a buffer on a new tab and write it on a classified name, the plugin doesn't move this buffer to the correct tab.

Safari on iOS 16 exposes the `screen.orientation` property now, but from what I've seen, it only returns the correct information after the screen rotation animation has finished. However, the `orientationchange`...
