Samuel Elgozi

Results 6 issues of Samuel Elgozi

# 🐛 bug report When working on a dependency locally by linking it, Parcel 2 doesn't detect changes and therefore doesn't rebuild. You also need to remove the cache manually...

:raising_hand_woman: Feature
✨ Parcel 2

Hi everyone. Since this question doesn't really have a correct answer I wanted to ask you guys, the community what do to. Right now, when making a request for a...

Community Feedback Needed!

Change the direction of the blue line to the right when the CP is in RTL language.

It seems like when the internal works api ( throws an error you just return it. For example the api `authenticateWithCode` can throw an error for email verification, but the...

I saw that there was a somewhat similar PR, however this PR differs from it by not trying to support nested objects inside an array. **Edit: I added support...