Samuel Andreo

Results 3 comments of Samuel Andreo

@GerbenWelter @vyckou Any luck fixing this issue in your side? I cannot find where ArgoCD points to `argocd-argocd-application-controller` instead of `argocd-application-controller`. I guess this can be solved updating certain Role...

Thanks folks. As you pointed out, updating `argocd-application-controller` Cluster role binding to point to `argocd-argocd-application-controller` ServiceAccount fixed the issue. Just realised that there is a new rolebinding `argocd-argocd-argocd-application-controller`. This resource...

+1 Running latest version (`9.5.3`) and I am getting this problem too. ~I think it might be related to Sass. When I comment out my global `@import` for external library...