Thank you @bengtmartensson for being so helpful! I can't run this program myself. The mac app does not seem to load. Are you able to help me again by doing...
@bengtmartensson - I've managed to install it on another Mac, imported the Broadlink-Python IR. When I export the codes found on the page I linked and run it through BlackBeanControl...
Hi, BlackBeanControl is a python script that lets you capture IR codes and then trigger them as a saved command. I am pasting the exported results from IrScrutinizer into BlackBeanControl...
Oh. I misunderstood. Ultimately I am using the Broadlink RM with this [homebridge plugin.]( The intention is to paste the hex-code that the RM Mini Captures from an IR signal....
Wow @pavram – that's amazing and so simple to use. Thank you so much!
Hi! I don't have the answer quite, but I am trying to figure the IR codes out as well - this link here seems to be helpful: It looks...