Hi @patrickhaug, thanks for your interest in the project. I took a quick look at the 7.8" display, and adding support for it is definitely doable. Unfortunately, all the currently...
I've got my hands full at the moment working on a 2.0 release, but maybe some time in the future I could look at laying some groundwork for you :slightly_smiling_face:
@garytube glad to have you on board! - The basic idea is that for each screen there is a `c++` file that takes the provided Waveshare `c` drivers and exposes...
@abhayakulkarni, the process has changed a little since the release of version 2.0. I'll work on writing up some documentation, soon.
Hi @abhayakulkarni :wave: , The 2.13"V3 should be pretty easy to add support for. Would you be able to help me with testing? I'd publish some builds with the `@next`...