Hi @SivertHavso ! Any news on a first version of the ros2 implementation ?
This doesn't seem to be working with Gazebo Garden and ROS2 Humble. As mentionned in [gazebosim/gz-sensors#195](, Gazebo throws a warning and the published frame_id is still the original one. I...
Hello, how did you fix this error ?
I installed the Teensy support by adding the URL in the arduino-cli.yaml config file and then used the `arduino-cli core install teensy:avr` command to install the teensy files. After that...
Yes I tried and it gives undefined references for all rcl functions and variables. I will try the Teensyduino approach now.
No luck, sorry. I also tried using platformIO but did not manage either. I lack the experience to get microROS to work on my system. Feel free to close the...
Sorry, that did not solve the problem. Here are the frames that are sent on the bus if it can help : ``` 00008 | 08F02D82 | D5 7C 04...
Filtering the frame with ID `0x0CF02985` (previously filtered in MB2) on a different mailbox seems to fix the issue. I have reordered the filters to use different mailboxes than in...
I have had the same issue with the CAN2 interface. I had to filter out 3 different frames on 3 different mailboxes which called 3 different interrupts . The interrupts...