Results 34 comments of Sam Partington

To clarify - the option of forking the repo and becoming de facto maintainers, and possibly then getting linked to from here in future, is open to anyone, not just...

Hi there, @DavG, sorry you've had problems here. I've just tested this using Symfony 4.1 (released version, not the beta) and don't see that issue. Are you able to upgrade...

Thanks for getting in touch, @amirkoklan. ESI is not an area of Symfony we're particularly knowledgeable in, and I'm afraid we don't have the time for the in-depth investigation that...

Thanks for your investigations here, @c33s. Could v1 be achieved by creating an additional option for the extension which can be passed when rendering? If so, I'd gladly merge a...

This issue is superseded by, but I'm going to leave it open for now.

That sounds very sensible, @SecondeJK. Thank you for offering to help - you're right that the documentation could be made clearer. A PR would be great if you get time;...

You can specify a different variable name for the page parameter when rendering your Pagerfanta in your Twig template. Here's an example: ``` {{ pagerfanta(my_pager, 'default', {'pageParameter': '[page_bis]'}) }} ```...

Hi @malas, thanks for raising this. Unfortunately, the amount of development time we have available for this bundle is very limited at present, so we're unlikely to get time for...

That's brilliant. Thank you very much indeed!

> The idea would be to avoid using EntityManager::flush() as it flushes all other entities, despite you want it or not :confused: You can change this behaviour thanks to