The documentation for mina-multistage, for example ```ruby task setup: :environment do #... ``` conflicts with mina best practice ```bash ! :environment is DEPRECATED! Please use local_environment and remote_environment ```
From config/deploy.rb ```ruby require 'mina/multistage' require 'mina/bundler' require 'mina/rails' require 'mina/git' require 'mina/rvm' set :rvm_path, '$HOME/.rvm/bin/rvm' task :remote_environment do invoke :'rvm:use', 'ruby-2.4' end task :'db:configure' do invoke :'rails:db_create' invoke :'rails:db_migrate'...
Fixes #139 I tried to write a test for this, but cannot reliably change the file ownership. ```ruby it 'raises an exception when the file is owned by others' do...
I have a bit of an unusual issue, with a CI app that allow us to `chown` the key file once set, but denies our user access. Only if we...
Similar to #277 but worse because I can't write any code to route around, since attempting to authenticate is the last callback that can execute. (Note in the below example...
No fault of the gem, but unfortunately this script will run to the end in Safari 14.0.3 on Big Sur: ```ruby `defaults write CustomUserAgent \"\\\"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS...
``` 2021-05-14 12:08:45.561 defaults[64685:3874397] Domain ( not found. Defaults have not been changed. ```
``` 2021-05-14 12:07:41 WARN Selenium [DEPRECATION] Selenium::WebDriver::Safari#driver_path= is deprecated. Use Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Service#driver_path= instead. ```
Hello -- this looks like a great crawler, but I need a way, when crawling, to max-out crawl times on a per-url basis. Because of that I recommend two features:...