sam mok

Results 4 comments of sam mok

You can using 'Px' or 'PX' instead 'px', if you want this plugin ignore the 'px' transformation

``` css pointer-events: none; ``` 这个属性也蛮好玩的 鼠标事件拜拜, 比如做个水印层在页面

@hellobabyting > 这个primitify代码看的似懂非懂的,想尝试一下怎么用,但是不会用,能否有个例子让观摩学习一下 用法大概是这样: callback 方式: stat(path, (err, res) => .....) promise 方式: promisify(stat)(path).then(res => console.log(res)) ```` javascript function promisify(original) { // promisify(stat) 这一步 return 下一行 return function (...args) {...

for me, the way to solve this problem is make this middleware as yourself's code once you completed your config, you can try move AL94_USB_Composite/ to root directory out of...