Sam Crawford
Sam Crawford
Just a note that I think this will come up while working on Projectile, so it might get added to that project in the future.
A similar (but different) thing happened with tables (#833), and I think (at least for now) we're OK with it. This came up now because I'm removing a function that...
Since the Terms and Defs section is generated like so: `SSDProg [SSDSubVerb probDescription, ...]` Should this issue be expanded to generate the Problem Description section from `docLang`? It's a small(ish)...
Part of #990
In GlassBR, there are subsections like so:  If we wanted to automate this section, it would be a lot easier to collapse the list into one flat list. We...
The whole list is of type `Contents`, with the "subsections" (not literally subsections as in the `docLang` sense of the word) being generated like this: ```haskell termsAndDescBulletsGlTySubSec :: [ItemType] termsAndDescBulletsGlTySubSec...
I'm just stuck waiting for PRs and looking for more stuff to do. What's the status of #1428?
I already made code for Projectile (issue for code review is #1395), but I'll take a look at those papers (and I'll try to stop tagging you 😄).
I'm taking a different approach for this issue now that should be better - should this list be labelled or not?
What if I were to define a type `data Term = Sentence | SubTerm Sentence [Sentence]`? Then we could pass a list of `Term`s to `docLang` for it to generate...