Sam Lown
Sam Lown
Doesn't look like there is much activity around here. We're quite dependent on this lib, so I've forked it and in the process of upgrading to yaml.v3 ( PRs and...
I can see that would have been very annoying! It's to do with the way yaml.v2 was parsing keys as `interface{}` instead of `string.`. That still happens in yaml.v3, but...
My understanding is that the use of this method is not recommended. It also doesn't appear to work in [preact]( Perhaps for these cases it will be easier just to...
It looks like `findDomNode` is supported in the `preact-compat` module, but I'd honestly prefer to keep the code as lean as possible. Given that `focus()` is an important function for...
@dolmen yeah, not much time I'm afraid and if I miss any of the messages, which is likely, then its rare I swing by. We're using this project actively in...
Alternatively this commit is a lot more lightweight and has tests:
I've now converted to "carrierwave" and right_aws instead of paperclip. Aws-s3 is designed for the old non-euro Amazon API so all modifications to add Euro support look like nasty hacks...
I don't think this is just a question of "using the bucket as part of the domain name" and resolving that issue with a patch. The S3 API has changed...