Sami Alperen Akgün
Sami Alperen Akgün
@saching13 is there any update on this? I am using OAK-D-PRO USB version with ```stereo_inertial_publisher.launch``` I can not see any parameters in the launch file to increase color fps.
Guys, is there any update on this? The best I could get is still around 26 fps with 720x1280 resolution ```rostopic hz /stereo_inertial_publisher/color/image```. I modified stereo_intertial_publisher.cpp in a bit and...
@saching13 @Luxonis-Brandon thanks a lot for the info guys. Is there any chance that I can get both color, left, right and stereo/depth (or depthCompressed with png level 1) all...
@themarpe I am getting this error. ``` -- [hunter] Calculating Toolchain-SHA1 -- [hunter] Calculating Config-SHA1 -- [hunter] HUNTER_ROOT: /home/cassie/.hunter -- [hunter] [ Hunter-ID: cb0ea1f | Toolchain-ID: 8671a89 | Config-ID: ec0f559...
@themarpe, so my overall goal is to just use device_manager. I tried the second method you suggested and now have this error. Computation and space is quite limited for my...
@dusty-nv Is there any progress on this one? I am exactly having the same problem. I am trying to create a clean catkin_ws and use oak-d camera with depthai-ros. Although...
@alex-luxonis is there a way to rotate 180 degrees from the ROS side? I could not find a ros parameter for CameraImageOrientation
@saching13 Thanks a lot man! If you don't mind, could you give a full example how to do that just to be sure? I am using Oak-D POE version.
@saching13 I am using stereo_inertial_node.launch. My goal is to mount the camera upside down so that I will have easy access to the PoE switch from the top, so I...