
Results 10 issues of Sameer

Hi i needed pip in an iPhone which i will submit to iTunes. will this be acceptable or should i find other solutions? and if other solutions, then do you...

**Describe the bug** Currently picker requests library access permission when user navigate to library tab. so if we set shouldSaveNewPicturesToAlbum = true and user capture an image without going to...

hi i have a view []( i created a viewcontroller and i'm adding it as view in scrollview with `trendingPhotoViewController!.view.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: scrollViewForPhotos.heightAnchor).isActive = true` it's fine as in above image but...

I'm experiencing a issue where footer keeps triggering once i trigger it manually. ![image]( here the code ``` NormalHeaderAnimator()) { [weak self] in guard let self = self else...

I'm using library to draw on map and i need to access points/path of shape so i can get coordinates from map view by converting the points/path.

can you please add hotspot support too?


I Need a just month and year picker...i was thinking to give some -ve top dates section get hidden :D but not can i have it as feature like...

From seems days model does't contain 31 so `let d = days.index { (modelObj) -> Bool in return Int(modelObj.type) == Int(dd) }` gives nil and crashes on `days[d!].isSelected =...

datePicker.bgColor = .clear datePicker.deselectedBgColor = .clear datePicker.selectedBgColor = COLORS.Blue datePicker.selectedTextColor = .white datePicker.deselectTextColor = UIColor(hex: 0x1B9AFF).alpha(alpha: 0.7) []( blacks seems to work fine [](

Hi i set Custom Class of UIView to ADDatePicker and run the app. then app crashes on . []( hoping for a reply ASAP please