Stephen Cagle
Stephen Cagle
This isn't so much a problem, but just a open ended question. Adding the cljx hook to my project adds about 4-5 seconds to my "lein test" task. Don't get...
`(bat-test :parallel true :report {:type :progress :fail-fast? true})` does not seem to return immediately upon receiving a single failure. Am I using this incorrectly? Thank you.
Think through on how we can hide the asynchronous nature of the read and write operations with re-frame. Basically make it similar to a XMLHTTPRequest in re-frame. Maybe just two...
More than just memory leaks, failing to unsubscribe can actually effect other listeners. Try removing the unsubscribe from the `check-for-reference-in-metadata` and observe that it will cause later listener's (like those...
Firebase supports cloud functions that can be called on CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE of Firestore entities. These are normal JS functions that are invoked on the server that takes the context as an...