Stephen Cagle
Stephen Cagle
I end up with something like this: ``` clojure :cljx {:builds [{:source-paths ["app/cljx"] :output-path "app/generated/clj/samedhi/quizry" :rules :clj} {:source-paths ["app/cljx"] :output-path "app/generated/cljs/samedhi/quizry" :rules :cljs} {:source-paths ["app/macro-cljx"] :output-path "app/generated/clj/samedhi/quizry" :rules {:filetype "clj"...
Just in case you didn't know, you can also use something like ``` clojure :clean-targets [:target-path "app/generated"] ``` to tell lein what directories you want removed on "lein clean" Yeah,...
I don't really know how :hooks or nrepl middelware really work. Does cljx spin up a second jvm when it runs, or is it running "inside" another jvm process. Basically,...
Thank you Not incredibly important, but thought I should report. `bat-test: unknown option(s): :fail-fast?` occurs when I use `fail-fast?` like so `(bat-test :parallel true :fail-fast? true :report {:type :progress})` Using:...
That looks neat. My current testing leaves much to be desired. I can still only run test "in the browser" partially due to the need for websocket connections (firestore) as...
What is developing these things like? What is the flow 1) Deploy your cloud functions manually as needed. 2) Git commit hooks that notice new cloud functions and upload them...
The Java vs node version of Firebase are sufficiently different that I am not going to pursue this at this time. I think the same channel based interface could be...
So I have done some real thought about this and I think this should actually be done within a different project (maybe `firemore-re-frame`). re-frame introduces a very different way of...
Also thinking that maybe we can have two cofx "I want to register a handler that is called whenever I get a new value" `:firemore-watch-fx` (takes `:reference`, `:event` and optional...
> I was able to find the cause of this error > > `firemore` depends on [cljsjs version of firebase]( and [`cljsjs` its not supported by shadow-cljs]( The workaround probably...