Sam Doidge
Sam Doidge
FIFA seem to have changed the hash algorithm again - for me I've copied the posted hash value when submitting my secret question from the browser and hardcoded this in....
I used Firebug extension with Firefox to look at the Post data and get the hash. I've forked someone else's fork as it had example login. Have added updates to...
@curt2008 - Couldn't connect when I tried your repo. > [reason] => expired session [code] => 401 I'm thinking hash has changed again, but haven't had time to look into
@cluber22 you are using the [python hashing version you wrote]( correct? That does still work - and gives a different value to the one attached in @curt2008's repo. @curt2008 I...
@curt2008 Yeah true, I did add in the readme, but if someone misses: ps3 only at moment,`$machine = $d->shardInfo[1]->customdata1[1];` would need changing
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The message could be clearer. For your example using `bg-black/70` and removing `bg-opacity-70` should resolve the issue.
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