Jeongho Nam

Results 144 comments of Jeongho Nam

If you need additional features, define them into the abstract class.

I have not abstracted such detailly because I think that each API has each story. Also, I do not design database table to be correspondent with DTO schema to be...

Upgrade to the latest version, then such error report would be printed. As Nestia SDK is targetting the client developers, it enforces API controller methods to define explicit types. ```bash...

Your controller methods still do not have the explicit return type, and it is even same with your service providers.

You're importing prisma auto generated TMP type that can't be exported to the SDK library. It's actually not explicit. The name `__type` means that TypeScript compiler is saying that it...

Also, I'll enhance the error message reporting following your advise.

Then no way. Define the explicit type instead of using the Prisma generated TMP type.

As primsa has too long and deep structured name, no way right now. How about suggest a spec that renaming DTO clone rule about this case?

Not possible due to `@nestia/core` is based on transformation (AOT compilation).

Have considered the way, but could not get any idea yet. If you have, then suggest me please.