Jeongho Nam

Results 147 comments of Jeongho Nam

I will study how native nestjs (platform of both express and fastify), and will determine how.

Sorry for long time waiting. ## Automatic `JsonSchema.title` composition As considering the first line terminated with dot (`.`) as `@summary` or `@title` feature was traditional convention from very long time...

@micalevisk Is this intended spec of NestJS? Or just unexpected behavior but just supported by express? @yadav-saurabh If you want to generate SDK library through `nestia`, I think it would...

![image]( Ah, understood. It was the original spec of NestJS. Thansk for quick response @micalevisk In the object type case, how `@nestjs/swagger` composes the parameters (`OpenApiOperation.parameters`) ?

@yadav-saurabh Is it okay to support object typed `@Param()`, but SDK library decomposes it to individual parameters? If `@nestjs/swagger` supports the object type `@Param()` case with exact strategy, I'll support...

> > In the object type case, how `@nestjs/swagger` composes the parameters (`OpenApiOperation.parameters`) ? > > type defs like that has not effect for `@nestjs/swagger` (the CLI plugin) Then should...

@micalevisk Thaks for help. @yadav-saurabh To accomplish this mission, I've to disassemble the object typed `@Param()` in the compilation level, and it needs lots of change in both `@nestia/core` and...

`strictPropertyInitialization` is recommended setting of `tsconfig.json`, due to ensure the class properties' types. However, possible to configure it to be `false`, and no problem at the Nestia side.

Still possible, but never recommend. If you configure the `strict` to be `false`, every types become `T | null | undefined`. In my perspective view, `strict: false` means not to...