Samantha Voigt
Samantha Voigt
Would also appreciate an update or a workaround suggestion.
Hey, thank you for the response! I'm getting by with just blocking `enum` everywhere and adding exceptions for enums in requests via the redocly ignore file. And I think, for...
Hi @tatomyr thanks for your quick response! I just retried the second attempt and it still does not work. I have that schema out in a different file and referenced...
Yes, exactly. I've checked for misspelled words. There are multiple references to that schema, but I've validated that they're not broken or otherwise incorrect. Is it an issue if there...
I'm also running into this issue. My schema looks something like this though: ```yaml Thing: type: object properties: type: type: string id: type: string attributes: type: object allOf: - properties:...
Hey, thanks for the quick response. I should've been clearer about what example I'm trying to get to fail. Your `attr_w_other_fields` isn't quite right. This reproduces what I'm seeing: ```yaml...
Thank you for your thorough response! I am indeed new to JSON Schema and OpenAPI, so I guess I appreciate this unexpected behavior 😅 This makes sense now. I will...
Hey @mkon, I'm working with @SalvatoreT on this, so I tested it out. First of all, thank you for your work! The gem has been very helpful for us and...
No worries, I hope you enjoy your travels!
Hey @mkon no worries, thanks for getting back to it! I just tested it and it looks great :) I did find one "issue", but it might be a better...