Salvador Dura-Bernal

Results 24 comments of Salvador Dura-Bernal

Ah sorry, this was an old small bug, the correct code is: ``` from collections import OrderedDict ... output = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) ``` do you mind creating a PR for...

@stephanie-r-jones @blakecaldwell @samnemo @dylansdaniels could you please give access to @mkhalil8 and @claireshort4 so they can contribute to hnn-netpyne (hnn2 branch)? They both attended our meeting today; as you know...

Chris from the trial output logs seems there is an mpi error: Fatal error in MPI_Init_thread: Invalid group, error stack: MPIR_Init_thread(586)..............: MPID_Init(224).....................: channel initialization failed MPIDI_CH3_Init(105)................: MPID_nem_init(324).................: MPID_nem_tcp_init(175).............: MPID_nem_tcp_get_business_card(401): MPID_nem_tcp_init(373).............:...

For the display issue, what is the output of `echo $DISPLAY`? Do you have XQuartz ( installed? A possible workaround if $DISPLAY is empty is to use set it with...

Great that almost working now! re: display - curious if installing XQuartz would solve the issue or not. re: remain in the background - maybe related to the DISPLAY issue...

Great idea Mohamed, happy to add some documentation on how to run the tutorials using the netpyne-based HNN model.

Based on the .err output the issue seems to come from " __file__" not defined. However, I am unable to reproduce on my Mac OS, so this might be a...

@blakecaldwell I fixed the segmentation fault issue (there was a missing line of code h.setpointer in However, I'm now getting a different dipole signal that the orig HNN. Did...

Finally I got a chance to look back into this. I installed the lastest coreneuron version in the master version on a GCP VM with CentOS. I was able to...

Below is the output from the M1 simulation using CoreNeuron. In the original version the only 19 spikes in the model are generated by VecStims. Here the output generated by...