Steve Alsop
Steve Alsop
## Describe the bug Creeating a GCP Account in Terraform I get and error: resource "panos_panorama_gcp_account" "panorama" { credential_file = "tmp/credentials.json" name = var.gcp_project_id project_id = var.gcp_project_id } ``` Error:...
This is a fix to the provider versioning in TF 0.15.x as the previous provider versioning is no longer supported. I've ran this change through in the Qwiklab and all...
## Description Removed the Lambda function and updating to use join to make a more efficient and quicker deployment. ## Motivation and Context This makes a quicker deployment as removed...
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Cannot define WAAS Rules and Configuration via TF ### Describe the solution you'd like Need to be able to config all...
Service Bus does not seem to create a Queue. I deployed Infra, and Hub and it didn't seem to create the Queue