Not really, with this type of approach, you could miss non-convex parts of the Pareto front. You could reimplement the BiMADS algorithm given in this paper > MULTIOBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION THROUGH...
Thank you for your feedback @ko56. Infortunately, I do not have a FreeBSD environment... From the logs, it looks like it does not find the libraries. Could you try the...
The CMakefile can detect if you have openMP or not. For Julia, do not use openMP, as it does not work for interfacing (the threads part of Julia is still...
@ko56 I apologize, I was not really clear. NOMAD is principally tested with `gcc` (at least a version which supports `C++14`, so `>= 9`) and `Apple clang`(without `openMP` for this...
@dpo Thanks for the link !
@MonssafToukal Could you provide a simple blackbox example ? : see `input_types`. But yes, we should precise that all inputs of a blackbox for `Nomad` will be considered as `Float64` ( for example, `x1 = true` => `x1...
@ValentinKaisermayer this is strange. The only way where it could happen is if you solve several subproblems of the main optimization problem, but I do not see how you can...
I am not sure it will change something. Correctly calling C/C++ code in a multithread environment of `julia` is a long issue, see for example or If you...
Ok I confirm I can reproduce the bug on my machine (MacOS). By using a `Distributed` strategy, it works on my environment. The bug must come from the `C++` part...