It looks like it's an error during cleanup, i.e. exiting python. I would ignore it
Afl will sync inputs from other /*/queue directories. This is how the multiproces mode works. If the inputs generated by driller are synced you should see in fuzzer-master/queue files with...
I don't really know here. I didn't work on the celery setup. I would expect it's not hard to encode before sending it to celery and decide in the receiving...
Driller is heavily hardcoded to use stdin. You'll have to find in tracer where it preconstrains the input and make it use the file instead. And you'll have to look...
For functions like fgets we avoid path explosion by combining many possible states. The side effect here is the constraints get large quickly. If may be that in cases like...
Does it actually force it? Looking at the code my guess is that it will be more likely to choose to add a newline because of how the constraints are...