
Results 8 issues of Sallar

Hi, Sorry for submitting a question here, I know this is not exactly an issue, but I couldn't find what I want in the documentation or code. I want to...

In some phones, the TouchID is replaced by FaceID (iPhone X, XS, XS Max, XR, and some Android phones like Galaxy S9, OnePlus 6, etc), but the Buttercup Mobile app...

Effort: Low
Status: Available
Priority: Low
Type: Enhancement
Platform: iOS
Platform: Android

The current UI implementation is not accessible for visually impaired and/or people with other kinds of disabilities. We are currently using Devtron, which is able to do an accessibility audit...

Priority: Medium
Type: Enhancement
Status: Available
Effort: High

Hi, We have added prettier-check to one of our projects, however the checks fail on Node.js 6 & 7, but they are fine on 8.

Hi. It seems like this module is not compatible with `react-native-keychain`. As soon as I install and link this module in RN > 0.60, I see this error while building...

### Current Behavior After upgrading to the latest version: 1.15.35, every time I'm starting the react native project, tamagui is showing this error for a lot of files: ``` transform[stderr]:...

The method @pilevar has added to the class has a bug: Our jDateTime class aims to support years greater than 2038, and this is made possible by using DateTime object...

Hi. On iOS 13, the whole table background color is white in dark mode and I can't seem to be able to change it: ![image]( When I press on each...