@xWayfarer Thanks for your idea. @perry-mitchell I agree that the other way around is better, meaning that Buttercup client would download a json file of most used passwords, or some...
Thanks @mannp that's a great idea :)
@perry-mitchell by referencing they mean inserting a pointer to a field in another entry. For example this is a feature in Keepass or other software like Paw (for REST resting)....
@perry-mitchell Actually intro.js is made by my good friend @afshinm :) Would be nice to use it on desktop!
Hi @tmanaud. I think this is an issue with your specific operating system, since this feature is already there: I will try to investigate the issue.
Thanks @f0xy, I will investigate this further. Maybe we should wait for the PR then?
That is completely fine, so please send a PR :) Btw in the code example you linked here, you are pushing directly to `this.props.expandedKeys` which is against Redux principles. You...
@perry-mitchell adding password strength meter #531 requires re-designing this unlock dialog. Perhaps they can be done together with this
@perry-mitchell yes, I just added all three issues to a milestone which can be bundled together in the future.
Im having the exact problem. This is breaking on iOS9 and some Android devices, while the Github content don't break when I copy them over. for now Im going to...