Salah Alkhwlani
Salah Alkhwlani
@fabricelaborie its easy, Salla use composer so you can follow the steps here to create your own plugin in WordPress and then install Salla package as dependencies inside it
@ayaseensd @ali-alharthi thank you for your contributions
@SebTM I have the same problem, as quick fix pass "tmp" to options field to avoid add [] multi times ` 'tmp' => ['multipleBracesSet' => true], `
the same issue here
Thank you all for waiting, we'll prepare the readme this week and release the new version
We're working on it this month
@mosleh200989 @nagibmahfuj @mohamedalaa80000 We are working to release is in the last week of this month; we are in verification step on the production with ZACAT
v3.0 released
@NathanFreeman confirmed the issue has been resolved with v5.1.3 btw the Swoole was serving the request fine directly but failed behind an LB or Nginx
@NathanFreeman `worker[0] error: exitCode=0, signal=11`