I believe the following code: #Team-specific effects att ~ filldist(Normal(μatt, σatt), length(teams)) def ~ filldist(Normal(μatt, σdeff), length(teams)) should be changed to # Team-specific effects att ~ filldist(Normal(μatt, σatt), length(teams)) def...
1) Typo in formula for \Delta x. Would also be useful to have equation numbers. 2) In code, formulas like t_final .* t_final ./ 2 can be simplified to 0.5t_final.^2....
1) "bar(Binomial(N,p), ..." is used before StatsPlots is introduced. 2) "p_ =plot(plots[1], plots[2], plots[3], plots[4], plots[5], plots[6], plots[7],plots[8], plots[9], ..." can be simplified to "p_ = plot(plots...," (splaying operator) ....
Another excellent chapter! Some minor suggestions: 1) in spam_predict, replace [wrd for wrd in email_words if wrd in vocabulary] with intersect(email_words, model.vocabulary). Also, I think the code on the webpage...
I am not familiar with the weighted quantile calculation provided by StatsBase.jl. It seems inconsistent with what one would want, for example, in a minimum weighted absolute deviation calculation. Based...
Suppose I have a function F(x,y) of two variables x and y where dim(x) ForwardDiff.gradient(w2 -> F(w2, y), w1), x) and ForwardDiff.jacobian(z -> ForwardDiff.gradient(w -> F(w, z), x),y)? These work,...
Is there an example demonstrating integration with CUDA.jl? I'd be particularly interested in an example using reverse mode AD and the Bayesian HMM, since it's implementation involves a loop. It...
I was wondering if it was intentional to have the kmeans initialization use fit_mle instead of an estimator a user may pass as an argument? Thanks!
I'm exposing a function which accepts a (possibly long) string as input. Where can I change the configuration to avoid error 413? Thank you.
I think regression uses the functions in ../classification/main.jl for applying forests to a set of features, so no new development required for this. Fixes #209