Yaroslav Zhmayev

Results 15 comments of Yaroslav Zhmayev

`Regarding the SO tags: a tag cannot exist without any question using it. A tag is created by adding it while posting a question or when editing a question. I'm...

I was going to create a feature request just like this, Advanced settings tab is great, but I'm using dual-boot on my system, so I have to keep in mind...

Hi there, there is almost no documentation (except [this README](https://github.com/salaros/config-parser#usage) section) I'm preparing a big update, I will also add more documentation, seems like it's much needed

Hi, I think that the issue you are having is unrelated to my library. It's a know System.Text.Json' issue https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/29900 Consider temporarily switching to Newtonsoft.Json In any case let me...

Are they not allowed right now? I'm quite sure you can create ini files like that. What do you want config parser to do? Transform it into an object or...

Defacto there are few standards for reading/writing arrays in .ini/.conf files. I've simply implemented the one I've seen in Python applications I had to share config files with. Examples: https://wakatime.com/faq#exclude-paths...

One of tests might be: * create one instance of shared parameter file per each constructor with the same data * add them to a list / collection * run...

Hi @kraftwerk15 I've started creating a [wiki](/Equipple/vs-templates-revit-addin/wiki). It already replies to some your questions.

I tried to search for a template, but I couldn't reproduce the issue ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/675348/72368188-9c535c00-370e-11ea-9186-513b6dedf567.png) Please let me know what version of VS are you using