@theJian : To modify n you need 1) to make "n" a "ref cell" and 2) remove in the body of inc-function the additional let-binding (which is shadowing the "n"...
@ feature/idea point: "@porsager suggested putting all the docs on one single page, so users can Ctrl-F their way to happiness" - full text search which points to appropriate topics...
** ocsigenserver -v: - with recent firefox / chromium [!with just cURL it succeeds!] > ocsigenserver: access: connection for localhost from ::1 (Mozilla/5.0 ...): > ocsigenserver: ocsigen:main: Exn during page...
As for xmllint: ```bash $ xmllint test-xml.xml f --> g ``` xmllint seems to correct ">" to the reference "\>" As for ">" in xml generally: The right angle bracket...